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Coming Home (Only Time Will Tell #1) Page 11

  Along with plenty of women in here and possibly quite a few dates of his. Rolling my eyes I reply, “That’s not what I said. What do they win anyway?”

  “A dance.”

  “A dance? You’re getting worked up over a dance? Jesus Kyle, it’s hardly a wedding proposal is it? Just go into the auction and man up.”

  “Please,” he steps forward a few steps. “I’m begging you, bid for me.”

  “No. Besides I can’t possibly offer what these women can, but then again, who said it would be a woman? I’m sure men might like to cop a feel. They are paying for you, they can do what they like.” A grin slightly spreads across my face as his eyes grow big and his jaw slack.

  “I didn’t think of that,” he mutters. “For God’s sake Cat, please. I don’t care what the bid is, I’ll pay it.” He closes the final few steps and shakes me slightly by the shoulders, which makes me laugh stupidly.

  “Aww K.C., that’s no fun. I’ll see what mood I’m in when I get in there…If I get in there,” I wink as I shrug his hands away and walked around him. As I unlock the door I turn round with an evil grin on my face. “Enjoy your dance. If you’re lucky it might be an eighty year old man with drugs to knock you out in one pocket and Viagra in the other for him. That could make it a long night.”

  I see his death stare as I walk out the door. It’s a shame he inherited that from his mom; luckily though, not her personality.

  As I walk towards the hallway, a shit-eating grin on my face, the first real smile I’ve had all day when it’s come to him, Josie enters the dining room. She glares at me, then barks, “You seen Kyle?”

  “Hm hmm. He’s in there,” I point towards the door behind me, “I’d knock though, he’s a little worked up.”

  She storms past me muttering, “Slut” as she does, but that just fuels my smile.

  I locate Ryan and Nod in the hallway, exiting the casino. “How did you do?” I startle them from behind.

  “I won!” Nod screeches, wrapping her arms around my neck in a hug and laughing stupidly. “Where have you been though? You just vanished…” she points her finger at my mouth, “and you never smile like that, what have you been doing?”

  “Nothing,” I sing. “I just had a bit of fun, but not in that way, though. Where are you going now?”

  Ryan nods his head towards the door behind him. “The auction, I wanna see how my man does.”

  “Who? Kyle?”

  “Yup, got roped into it. I’m hoping it’s not big bucks so I can tease the shit out of him.”

  “Come on then, lets go find some seats,” I urge, suddenly eager to watch this and see if I could make the fun last a bit longer.

  We find three seats at the back and get comfy with our paddles. I quietly ponder how I could work this; should I not bid at all or bid a ridiculous amount of money? After all, it was his idea, and it’s for charity.

  The auction begins and one by one the men start parading on the stage like a classic car. All of them in tuxes and all of them going for stupid amounts of money, courtesy of the desperate women in the audience.

  On occasion, I lean towards Nod on the other side of Ryan and start betting on the value of each man. Ryan is quiet, letting us get on with our game, except for the odd tut.

  Eventually, Kyle walks out on stage. A few rows in front, a couple of women start getting excited over the prospect, giggling like teenagers. What is the world coming too? The bidding begins at a thousand dollars. Various women from around the room start battling it out, the price rising. I sit there, a smug smile on my face, just as Kyle finds me in the crowd and the death stare continues. His jaw moves like he is muttering something to himself and yet, I really couldn’t find the energy to raise the paddle.

  The bidding eventually settled down at ten thousand dollars, one of the women few rows in front holding that bid. The auctioneer asked if anyone else wanted to raise it and I could almost see the sweat beads rolling down Kyle’s temple.

  A glint of teal catches my eye close to the stage and as I find her stare I realize I can infuriate his Mom. It’s a double-whammy. If she’s here and I win, the woman will be spitting flames for the rest of the evening.

  I don’t approve of his lifestyle choices these days and I’m certainly unhappy with the way I am caught up in the middle of it, but for some reason, the wine and knowing I’d irritate the living hell out of her if I won, kind of becomes a highlight of this evening for me. I know there wouldn’t be any more and I hadn’t had any yet, so I was going to grab this one while I could.

  I give in, raising my paddle and shout my bid. “Eleven.” The weight seems to shift off of Kyle’s shoulders.

  Thinking that would be it, Josie raises me another thousand. I peek at Kyle, wondering if he’d be happy with her winning, surely it was better than the other options, even if it was her. Penelope, who I’d finally latched eyes onto during the speech—had a bid and then someone else. But, I see a slight shake of the head from him.

  And so the battle begins.

  We all raised it another thousand as each paddle shoots into the air. I can see slight agitation in them though as the bidding rises to thirty, so I think fuck it, it’s not my money. Hopefully for the last time I raise my paddle, Nadine tugging on my arm to lower it, so I chuck it to my free hand. “Fifty!” I shout, much to Nadine and Ryan’s shock.

  As the auctioneer starts his count down, “going once, going twice…” Nadine gets her fangs out.

  “What the hell are you playing at? You don’t have that kind of money, how are you going to pay fifty thousand dollars for him—for someone you can have whenever you like?”

  With my paddle still raised so that my number can be taken I turn to her. “Will you stop nagging me. I know what I’m doing.” The hammer falls and I jumped out of my dress from shock. Nod slumps back in her seat, scowling at me and huffing through her nose.

  At the end I make my way to the front, only to get turned around and pushed back the way I’d come. “Don’t I need to sort out my bid?” I ask over my shoulder.

  “Nope. Done it.”

  “Done it? Did I go too high? I just, went with it. It kind of got addictive.”

  “No, it’s fine. It’s for charity.”

  “Will you stop pushing me, I can walk normally. And, you’re welcome by the way, I really wasn’t going to bid, I wanted to see you suffer.”

  Shoving his hands in his pockets he glances over my face. “Suffer? Why?”

  “For being a whore. Do you know what it’s like having everyone tell you that the person you once loved doesn’t give a shit about women’s feelings? How many people have you asked here tonight?” The wine gives me the back bone I wanted before I even got here and I’m in need of vent some frustration. I’ve just battled it out with one his dates and someone who wants to be with him. And God knows who else.

  He swallows nervously. “Once?”

  “That’s not the important part of this conversation. The important bit is you using people.”

  “You don’t love me now?”

  Throwing my hands in the air in defeat I turn and walk out the room, heading for the dance hall to try and find those two.

  The majority of the guests are in there now and more are arriving just for the party. The casino is still buzzing slightly with life as I pass and I catch a glimpse of Mr. Johnson gambling away. It making me smile at the “normality” of him, because tonight, he isn’t my boss.

  First port of call is the bar and a glass of champagne.

  After that, I buzz around the room looking for a sparkling, turquoise dress. I find her at the front of the room, right in the middle, next to the dance floor. I creep up behind them, peeking between their shoulders. “I’m sorry for shouting.”

  They both jump in surprise and look at me like I’m a zombie. “Apology accepted. I’d love to know where you got that kind of money from though.” Nod wonders, spying me wearily.

  “Long story. Not my money though, I was told to bid, no ma
tter how high, so I did.”

  “Told to? Did Kyle make you do this?” Ryan asks, looking at me questionably.

  I shake my head but my mouth won’t hold back the grin. Me and my lips need words. Ryan shakes his head and turns back towards the dance floor.

  “Kyle paid for himself?” Nod whisper-shouts.

  “Kind of. That’s why I didn’t care what the bill was.”

  “You two aren’t normal. Why did he look like he wanted to tear your face off while he was up there then?” Nod asks.

  Walking around to the side of her I leaned in. “Because I wasn’t bidding, I was in two minds over it and he knew it.”

  “Was that the reason you came back with that ridiculous grin on your face?”

  I nod. “Between him, Josie and his Mom, I had a little bit of fun.”

  She shakes her head and laughs to herself. Both of us turn to look at the smattering of dancing couples on the dance floor, slowly swaying to the singers and the band.

  An oldish-looking man takes to the microphone, tapping it to make sure it’s turned on. “Ladies and Gentlemen, please can we have a round of applause for the volunteers and winners of the auction.”

  I hold my breath, ducking slightly just in case Kyle is looking for me, knowing that this is what I won, but it‘s pointless.

  His hand finds my lower back through the crowd as the lyrics to “Burn for You” emanate around the room and he pushes me towards the dance floor. I instantly turn into Bambi on ice. “Why are you doing this?” I ask, trying to resist his push.

  “It’s what you won.” He clarifies, spinning me around and taking our position on the dance floor. Him with a hand on my lower back, our hands clasp and my other hand settles on his shoulder.

  I roll my head back, hating him, wishing I had just let some old bag win him. “Technically, you won yourself, so can’t you dance on your own?”

  He laughs. I think he enjoys my pain. “Nope. Besides, people would ask questions about you paying a stupid amount of money for me and then not wanting to claim your prize.”

  “Answer for fucking everything.” I mutter as I try to concentrate on not tripping over the dress. I briefly glance around the room, which was a mistake, because it seems that every female is hating me right now. Fan-fucking-tastic.

  As we dance in a slow rhythm to the music, my eyes lock onto the bitch herself.

  She shakes her head and gets the death rays out. I can’t help myself, I smirk at her and raise the middle finger against Kyle’s shoulder, so she can see and he can’t. The movement doesn’t go unnoticed though.

  Kyle leans back slightly to look down at me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine, just feel like all the women are glaring at me.”

  He looks around the room, because obviously they’ll hold their glare if he’s looking. “See, I only see men glaring. They must be jealous of me or something,” he smirks mischievously.

  Like a tool I look too, but can’t see what he does. “Hardly. They’re probably jealous of me or are staring at my ass, which I’m sure they can all see thanks to you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he smirks. “Can I ask you something?”

  I’m not really in the mood for talking, but what the hell, it’s not like I’m walking away from his vice grip. “Fire away, we have time to kill.”

  He readjusts his hands and pulls me closer and I can feel his firm body beneath his tux, making my mouth water and sending my senses haywire, which only makes me mad at myself. “Earlier, you said you weren’t my first choice, but you told me to make plans with Penelope. How is that my fault?”

  Next question? “It’s not just her though, is it? I was told that you asked someone you’d dated in the week to come too. To me, that makes me at least third choice.”

  “Dated? In the week? I haven’t been on a date with anyone since you barged into my life, literally.”

  A sarcastic laugh escapes my lips as I try to put a bit of distance between us, not wanting him to feel my heart hammering in my chest. “Don’t lie, Kyle. Her name was Rebecca, ring any bells?”

  He looks lost in thought for far too long for my liking. “Rebecca? The only Rebecca I can think of going on a date with was weeks ago. And I mean weeks. I said I’d let her know if I was going but I never promised I’d bring her. The only person I can honestly say I’ve asked willingly is you.”

  My head feels like a pinball machine but Little Miss Words of Wisdom drowns it all out as her words replay in my head. “You’re so eager to take everything at face value and believe what’s being said rather than talking to him and listening to his side of the story.” And it’s only because of that do I try and give him the benefit of the doubt. “Okay, I believe you and I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions,” I say, realizing at that point that my one dance is lasting longer than expected when I hear the bands rendition of “I Can’t Break it to My Heart.” Truthful words being sung and fitting my mood perfectly. It’s like they know.

  He sighs and tries to smile, but I can see the hurt in his eyes from my accusation. “I know this isn’t easy, but I’ve told you a million times. I would never hurt you. I meant it then and I do now. Time hasn’t changed that. Jesus, if I had a ring I’d get down on my knees for you.”

  The room seems to lose gravity as his words wash over me. “For God’s sake, don’t do that. As much as I love you, that’s the worst proposal ever. Besides it’s only one knee.” I almost laugh.

  “One, I’m glad you admitted that you still love me,” he chuckles and my feet almost touch the ground again, even though I’d prefer it to be my face after declaring that unintentionally. “And two, I’d happily beg you to marry me in front of all these people.” Placing a finger under my chin he lifts it slightly, he eyes flickering to my lips. As much as I’d love for him to kiss me in front of all these women, and especially her, I don’t want him too. I’m tipsy, emotional and just had a marriage declaration of sorts. It sends me askew knowing that that proposal could be torn from underneath me once he knows the truth.

  That one dance lasted two songs too many. It was a relief when the music stopped, just at that moment where he looked ready to lower his lips to mine.

  I dart from the dance floor, leaving Kyle looking stunned, but not for long though. A couple of vultures—I mean women—slip up beside him with hopeful looks upon their faces. I, on the other hand, needed an ice-cold bath as I stand beside Nod.

  “Did you really just do that?” Ryan asks, looking at me with his eyebrows shot up. “Did you just walk away from him, right as he was about to kiss you?”

  “Looks that way, why?”

  He gets a bemused smile and raises his hand in the air. “I want a high five for that. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that done before.”

  It has me in stitches as I give him his high five but Nod is looking at me cautiously, which stops my laughter sooner than I want it too.

  Leaving those two to go and dance, I head for the bar and grab a glass of something cold and bubbly, needing my shaking hands to, well, stop shaking.

  Making my way back, I almost have a deja vu moment and walk into Kyle but thankfully I manage to catch myself and avoid any embarrassment or spillage. “I’m sure you like to walk in my path for a reason,” I say, looking up and tilting my head to find glaring eyes.

  “What the hell was that? Why did you just walk off?” he grits out and hardens his stance.

  “Because I wanted too. I don’t understand why you’re being like this, though.”

  He snarls and shakes his head. “Because, I don’t get you any more. One minute you act like everything is okay and the next you’re running away. You’re too hot and cold these days and you’re messing with my head!”

  “Your head?” I grit. “What you just said was a complete mind fuck! You can’t just throw that at someone and expect them to be okay. All of your other dates might have jumped for joy over that, but I’m not.”

  “I can see,” he says as he backs away an
d I grip the glass tighter. His tone softens and replaces the anger with an even, steady tone. One that tells me that he’s losing his fight. “I just don’t understand why the one woman on this planet that I want would rather push me away than talk to me. I can see there is something holding you back in your eyes and I don’t know if its the stupid lies you’ve heard or something else. Maybe someone else but I wish you’d just tell me rather than this. The only person messing with us, is you. I’d give you everything in a heartbeat but I can’t say the same for you.”

  If only it’s that simple. He’s right, though, there is something holding me back from him, but I can’t shake the way I want to do it and so far we haven’t been on the same page to talk about it. Too many factors have gotten in the way of me saying what I want to, telling him what I need to.

  Nadine finally persuades me to get on the dance floor after the musicians stopped and it was replaced with real music—by real I mean music you can dance and have a good time too. It took a few glasses of wine to seal the deal, but she won eventually. With the room now darkened, it’s easier to let go of Kyle and his Mom. Maybe tomorrow, if he would talk to me, we could finally have that discussion that I’d been holding off.

  I wouldn’t have had a drink, my emotions could be stable and for once an adult conversation might take place. No, would take place. To move forward, you have to deal with the past. We had to. I had to.

  But for tonight, I’m going to pretend that I’m okay and just have a good time, which was one of my plans from the start, and decide to enjoy what’s left of the evening with my best friend. I drown out all the people around me except her and the music. Intent on letting go of the negativity that seems to engulf me.

  We dance and laugh for the remainder of the evening, enjoying the upbeat tracks and mixing between the other guests, becoming invisible to the world, just the way I liked it.

  As my feet begin to ache and my sides hurt, a slow song starts and I awkwardly glance around the room, ready to dart if I need to. But that’s not the case. Kyle isn’t in sight and the only person who grabs me to dance is a drunk Nadine who decides that we would together. “Come on, lover. I owe you a good time after you paid for dinner that night.” She winks making me giggle as we dance like the couples around us, trying to be serious but smiles playing at our mouths.