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Coming Home (Only Time Will Tell #1) Page 10

  She shrugs and gives me and apologetic smile. I look at Jenny who does the same and on that note, I have no room to argue. I take my seat and feel even more uneasy than before about tonight.

  While I get my hair done Nod leaves us two alone and goes to get her dress on. I sit uncomfortably as Jenny curls my hair and gives me an occasional awkward glance in the mirror and I feel sorry for her. It can’t be easy dropping crap like that in to a conversation about someone who is loved by someone in the room and then have to defend herself while she’s ganged up on by someone else. I love Nod for the way she is but I’m half glad that Jenny said what she did because it builds my wall back up a little. Not to block him out, but just to keep my defense up enough so that I can hide behind it, if I need to.

  Once she’s finished styling my hair and doing my make-up, asking minimal questions to find out what I wanted, she declares me done. I get up out the chair and as she starts clearing away I stop her, needing her to know that I’m not bothered about what was said. “Jenny, thank you for your concern over Kyle. I’m not pissed that you said what you did, I’m happy you did.”

  She stops what she’s doing, putting the hair dryer back on the coffee table and looks back at me. “I feel really bad,” she whispers. “I never meant to offend you or him, I just hate to see people get their hopes up on the guy. I know him and Ryan are friends and all that and I know he says he’s a good guy. It’s just with women, he just doesn’t care.”

  “I know.”

  We give each other an understanding nod and I try and smile.

  “Do you know what time it is?” Nod asks as she walks in to the lounge, glistening like a showgirl. “You need to go and get dressed, Ryan will be here shortly.”

  I check my watch and realize that I’ll be rushing to get my nails done and dressed before he gets here. Shoot. “I’m going, Jesus.”

  “Thank you.” She smiles with her hands on her hips.

  “You look amazing by the way. It looked great in the store but you’ll have everyones eyes one you tonight you look amazing.” I say realizing that I hadn’t complimented her.

  Her smile grows even wider while her head grows bigger. “I do, don’t I? Ryan will have his work cut out for him tonight.”

  I laugh at her as I pass, placing my hand on her arm and squeezing as a wordless thank you. “That, he will.”

  If it wasn’t for Nadine, I doubt Kyle would even stand a chance with me these days, that’s if he’s serious. I know for a fact I would have taken my first doubts and followed through with them. She’s always the one to make me see sense and to give him a chance. Damn her.

  Alone in the spare room, I open the bag and boxes and take each item out and stare at them. It’s unbelievable that he’s done this but he has and I need to thank him properly for it all by not crying or collapsing. I need to go in there tonight with my head held high. Thank him like a grown woman and forget that he has a date, take it with a pinch of salt just for the next few hours. After this, I can talk to him and see what the hell is happening with us one way or another. It’s confusing. I didn’t want to go but he’s still made me in some way and I’m not sure if it’s because he wanted me there or if he likes the fact that he’ll have numerous women throughout the building to keep him company. Or maybe, I just look too far in to everything and try and look for the wrong in all scenarios because it has been easier than asking and facing the truth.

  Carefully I slip my earrings in and clasp the bracelet around my wrist, stroking the daisy with my finger tip and remembering the first time he caught on to my love for them and brought me one, after he’d found a few and added food coloring to some water to make them turn blue. He was so proud over the fact and I cried. I loved him a little bit more for that.

  As the tears start to fill my eyes again I grab the shoes and slip them on along with sorting out my purse and finally going for the dress. My hands shake as I lower the zipper and slip it over my head and feel it slip down my body until it pools slightly on the floor, and the material brushes against my shoulders as it comes to rest in place. I grab the nail polish and carefully paint my toe and finger nails so that they can dry while I give myself the first of many pep talks. I’m going to need it. I’m not going to last without it.

  By the time I’ve done pacing, although in this dress I feel like I’m floating, I look in the mirror and gulp down the shock that has tried to surprise me and escape my mouth.

  This guy knows how to style a woman. He should give Kate Middleton a call, or maybe he did. This is something fit for a princess, not little ol’ me.

  I can feel my stomach twisting into tighter knots as the car pulls up outside The Ritz.

  I need to man up over certain things. Either about being here or when I say that I don’t want to go somewhere, I’ll stick to it and not be easily persuaded by anyone or talked in to it.

  “Are you two ready?” Ryan asks as the driver opens the car door and the hustle and bustle of everyone arriving hits me.

  The entrance is flanked by huge palm trees. Normally I’d say this venue is inviting, but on this occasion it just daunts me, the paths to the entrance making me want to flee away from the shadows.

  Ryan is already out of the car and helping Nod out, but all I want to do is hide away in the darkness of the corner and stay there until it’s time to leave.

  “Come on, woman, we’re not staying here all night. The party is that way.” Nod motions with her hand to the exact place I don’t want to go, but I’m figuring I have no choice now.

  Carefully I gather the delicate material of the dress and try and scoot over as elegantly as possible, even If I feel like an elephant trying to ballet dance right now. As I get to the door, Ryan holds out his hand and I take it, hoping that he doesn’t notice my shaking.

  As we follow the crowd into the building my heart starts to flutter with anticipation over the events that will unfold the moment I step through the door, and I don’t mean the ball itself. Nadine and Ryan are so caught up in each other as they walk arm-in-arm, I don’t doubt that they’d notice if I legged it. But in these heels and this dress, it’d be an impossibility.

  “Cat, hurry up,” Ryan urges as they stop just before the doorway. “If we’re doing this, I’m doing it in style.” He smiles as he holds out his elbow and I realize that he’s planning on doing this pimp style.

  Rolling my eyes I laugh to myself as I quicken my step to catch up and loop my arm through his, throwing Nod a raised brow as we start walking to the open door, to which she just shakes her head too with a smile.

  The air conditioning is a welcome arrival as we walk towards through the foyer and to the function room, my skin burning from the prospect of what might happen this evening, the thoughts lying heavy in my stomach.

  Upon entering, my eyes scan the room, not to seek out people, just to look at the beautiful room plan. Each of the many tables are lined with crisp white material, each bearing a large birdcage that contains perfectly white roses. I also notice little name cards around the table. A perfect excuse to get my arm back. “Will you two excuse me a moment, I’m going to go and check where we’re sitting.”

  “Sure, babe. We’ll wait here,” Nod says.

  As I take my arm back I shake the weird feeling from it, glancing around us to find the table setting and finding it on an easel just behind us. Walking back to it, I glance at all the tables to see if any of our names pop out to me, which they don’t, but Kyle’s and Penelope’s does. They’re right at the front on table two. Searching around them I check for ours and fail again. There must be a hundred names on here to go through.

  The loud chatter of people in the venue is surrounding me almost to a deafening point and starts to make me feel claustrophobic. Any one of these people could be Rebecca, and anyone else he’s decided to be his date for this evening. I glance at the door out the corner of my eye, really wanting to leave but feeling too unselfish to actually do it.

  All I have to do this evening is stay clea
r of Kyle and his Mom—how hard could that be?

  The sound of the room slowly dims, but it’s not the fact that they’ve quietened down, it’s that I can feel my body becoming ultra sensitive to who’s around me. My skin suddenly laced with firecrackers as the presence of Kyle looms closer, but I don’t turn around to acknowledge him. Just knowing he’s there, smelling his aftershave makes me quiver and the hard facade I’m trying to put in place to get me through this night starts slowly slipping.

  “You look beautiful.” He whispers and although the room is thick with noise, his words find me crisp and clear.

  Again, I keep my focus on the plan but not so much the names, I’m more interested in the intricate gold frame that’s holding it. Taking a deep breath to stop my voice shaking I reply, “I’m glad you can make such an insightful observation from behind.”

  “I don’t need to see you from the front,” he starts as he steps closer, close enough for me to feel the heat from him. “I know without looking that you look beautiful. You could be in a Jenny Packman, or an old shirt. I’d still think you were the most stunning woman in this room.”

  Smooth talker. “That’s very kind of you, but don’t you think that you should be directing those compliments to your date?”

  “No. I don’t lie. Besides, it was you I wanted to have on my arm, not Penelope.”

  I don’t know why, but his words just seem to grate at me. It may be the fact that he’s asked women to be his date before me. I was a bloody after thought. Second best. His last option? Turning, I look into his eyes and see desire and want, yet all I can throw his way is annoyance. “That may be so, but for some reason, I can’t help thinking that there are plenty of women here tonight because of you. I wasn’t your first choice. I know I told you to ask Penelope, but I wasn’t aware at the time that you already had a list of dates,” I grit out. Even though I’ve blown it all completely out of proportion and the list of people he’s asked that I’ve been told about is three, I’m going to at least times it by ten. “So if you don’t mind, I’m going to go back to those two and enjoy my night. You enjoy yours and I’ll speak to you later, got it?” I ask as I gather the dress and start walking away.

  As I rejoin Ryan and Nadine, it dawns on me that I never actually found our table and end up doing a three sixty and marching back over, nudging Kyle out the way as he asks, “Have you come back for round two?”

  “No. I forgot to find our table number.” I try and snap but I’ve lost my bite. I feel like an idiot. “And next time you buy someone a dress, can you warn them that the material is sheer. It took me forever to find some decent underwear. You can see everything through this thing.”

  His smile lights up his face and my fight swans off with my bite. “I know.”

  At our table as close to the back as possible, we sit and wait for the food to be served. Mr. Johnson has been around and shared his thanks for us coming along, which we obviously gave our thanks to him for inviting us. I have my back to the rest of the room, which is good because I really do not want to have to stare at Kyle and one of his dates.

  I also have no idea who we are sat with. There are four faces that I don’t know and they don’t seem to have any indication of life within them at all. Just sat, staring, waiting. It’s like being sat with a table of dead people.

  Straightening out my dress, I fight the urge to look around the room, expecting someone to have a sign above their head stating that they’re Rebecca. I know if I look I’ll find Penelope, and that can wait until later and a few glasses, but she’ll be easy to spot, knowing she’s sat next to Kyle.

  “Ryan, how lovely it is to see you. It’s been a while,” his voice sends alarm bells ringing in my head because I dare bet that she’s with him.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Cooper,” Ryan acknowledges by nodding his head and giving them a genuine smile, which is more than can be said about her. “I know, It’s been some time. Maybe we should arrange that day at the golf course you’re always talking about.”

  “I’m a busy man,” Mr. Cooper laughs heartily, “but I will get Kyle to set something up for as soon as possible. I see you’ve brought the better half too.” He winks as he motions towards Nadine.

  She too smiles and almost blushes. “Nice to see you again, Mr. Cooper.”

  “Please,” he waves his hand like he’s trying to get rid of a bad smell. “Call me Mike. I told you two last time that I hate being called Mr. Cooper, makes me feel old.”

  They laugh and continue talking but I zone out as my eyes fix on the scowling glare of Mrs. Cooper. She has my shackles raised without saying a word and I can’t stand the sight of her. To think that this man can be married to her. She’s lower than vermin, and that’s being mean to rats who have higher standards than her. I hate her and hate is a strong word to use against someone. But she still manages to sleep at night knowing the hell and torture I’ve had, that Kyle needs to know about and is happy to let him live his life unknowing to something crucial.

  “I see we have a new face here tonight,” Mr. Cooper acknowledges, grabbing my attention as I assume that said face is me. Little does he know that although I’m a new face tonight, it’s an old one—kind of.

  I look away from her and smile a real smile towards him. “Hello, Mr. Cooper.” I say trying to sound as positive and upbeat as possible to not give away the frustration I’m feeling towards her.

  Mr. Cooper’s eyebrows screw up briefly but quickly disappear as it clicks into place. “Well, aren’t you a blast from the past. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” He smiles and it feels like such a relief to see a genuine smile from a parent of Kyle’s.

  “I’m sure you weren’t but, here I am, some people you just can’t get rid of,” I laugh. “It’s nice to see you again though. You look like you’re keeping well.”

  “Better than ever,” he winks. “It’s a shame you’ve all been pushed to the back. I thought you two always sat with, Kyle?” He says, looking towards his wife looking puzzled.

  “Normally, yes. But, Catalina was a late addition, and we had to move the seating around slightly as Kyle said she’d want to sit with Ryan and Nadine. It’s such a shame.” It doesn’t go unnoticed that my name is almost spat from her lips and the regretful tone is exchanged for gloating.

  I start to wonder if it’s just my ears as Mr. Cooper doesn’t seem to notice, shrugging it off. “Oh well, maybe next time.” He pats Ryan on the shoulder as he passes and they both leave but not without Mrs. Cooper casting me a smug smile over her shoulder.

  Dinner is served not too long after that, portions fit for a toddler and probably cost the same as my weekly grocery shop. Got to love posh, expensive cuisine.

  Once we’d all finished the three courses and I was on the verge of bursting point, Mr. Johnson begins his speech.

  “I just want to say how extremely thankful we are to have you all here tonight. This year we are raising money on behalf of the American Cancer Society. Many lives are taken, young and old by cancer. Every day is a blessing to someone fighting the disease and I want us to help them fight the war against it, because I know one day with our help and generosity, we will win.

  “To raise money, we have arranged an auction to take place tonight, which will start in approximately twenty minutes in the room on the left, just down the hallway,” he pointed to said hallway to the back of our table. “In the room on the right, there is a mini casino, where all money won will be donated. And lastly, in the room right at the very end there will be music and dancing along with money collectors. So, although the bar may be free may be you can give that saved money to the charity.

  “Other than that ladies and gentlemen, have a great evening.”

  The room erupts into a round of applause as he excuses himself from center stage. People begin buzzing around, making their way to different areas in the venue.

  “Where would you two like to go first?” Ryan asks both me and Nod.

  I shrug, really not bothered about what we do, bu
t Nod becomes all excited. “Please, can we go in the casino? I’ve always wanted to give one of those places a go.”

  He laughs and takes her hand. “Sure can, baby.” Giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. I follow behind them like a lost sheep. As we walk down the hall, I lose them in the crowd, someone grabs my upper arm and I hope it was one of them; only that flattens the minute I am pulled back into the dining room and through another door into a small seating area. “What the hell Kyle?” I screech as he flings me into the room, releasing me. I watch as he slams the door and locks it.

  Leaning against it he looks at me with pleading eyes. “I’m sorry about that, I just really needed to see you. I need a huge favor.”

  I quip a brow. “Favor?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Yes, a huge favor. My Mom volunteered me for an auction prize, and I really want you to win it.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “Because,” he sighs, “I don’t want some random woman winning me. For all I know she could be about eighty and just in it to cop a feel.” He stands and shudders, like he is picturing the scene.

  I can’t help but laugh at him, the wine I’ve consumed through dinner making me forget for a brief moment that this guy irritates me tonight, just so I can have some fun with it. “I thought you were all for the random woman thing? Besides, it’s not fair to cheat at an auction, if they want you, they should have you.”

  He squints his eyes at me. “Don’t you want me?”