Coming Home (Only Time Will Tell #1) Read online

Page 24

  “It’s not behind your back. If you go and get dressed, we’ll tell you everything.”

  “We? Who’s we?”

  Kyle nods his head towards the door and places my foot against the tiled floor before getting back up and holding his hand out. “We did some talking last night and tried to think of the best action to take. We’re not doing anything against your wishes, but we thought we’d get some ideas together for you to decide from.”

  He says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

  Why is it, when people try and help they can sometimes make you feel useless. “If you pass me the stuff the hospital gave me, I’ll sort these out first,” I say, pointing to my feet, sounding less angry but still very irked.

  Kyle leaves and comes back with the little paper bag that I brought home with me. Instead of letting me patch myself up though, he sits on the floor beside the bath and tenderly applies the ointment before taping the dressings to my soles.

  The whole time he does it, he doesn’t say a word but winced every time I sucked in a breath when he hit a tender spot. It dissipates my anger slowly until I don’t feel anything but love for him again. Not that I have ever felt anything else for him. I will always love him completely, it was just that moment where I felt miffed about the situation.

  After helping me to my room, he left me to get dressed, only passing an order to shout when I was ready. He would help me to the lounge so that they could all explain everything. I was nervous about what they had discussed and only hoped that they had managed to come up with something to explain all of this and a quick solution for the problem. I wanted normal. I wanted to just be with Kyle without having to worry about someone drugging him or trying to kill me. Not only because I loved him, but because I needed him to know about Kody. He deserved to know. He was a Dad and he never got to meet him, never got to hold him or cuddle him. I know that he’d never be able to do that and my words and that bomb shell would never fully compensate missing out on that short time. But I wanted him to know about the little miracle and show him any way I could how much of an angel he was.

  Perched in the corner of the couch I look at Ryan, who seems to have become lead speaker. I have Nod on my left and Kyle is somewhere behind me pacing the room. He’s making it feel like a summit meeting, and we haven’t even begun talking yet.

  “Cat, Kyle told us that you were annoyed about us discussing this without you being here but we figured that you’d had enough for one day. We weren’t trying to dictate your life.”

  Nod grabs hold of my hand, squeezing it tightly. “And, you can stay here as long as you need. I would never kick you out. You know that, right?”

  I nod at her but I can feel the blood rushing from my face. It feels like they have come up with the worst case scenario and had decided it was the best option. “I know, and I know I was annoyed but I’m not now. I had a think about it and as always, you’re being friends and helping me. I know you haven’t done this to spite me.”

  “Good. Now, last night when you told Kyle about the guy who had the tattoo, he got a good impression about who the guys were. Obviously we can’t prove it, but he’s ninety nine percent certain he knows.”

  Twisting to look at him I find him leaning against the wall, chewing on his lip. “You do?” I ask.

  He takes a deep breath and digs his hands into his jeans pockets. “Some guys I briefly met. They were in rehab at the time and said they were trying to get on the straight and narrow. Obviously that hasn’t happened. The big guy scared the crap out of me the first time, but after getting to know him, I thought he was a nice guy.”

  “Hold up,” I interject, pulling myself up to look at him better. “You were in rehab? You never told me that.” That’s rich, considering.

  He shook his head and screwed up his mouth. “Not me, Josie,” he says, coming over and taking a seat on the arm of the couch. “She went through a rebellious stage years ago. Drugs, drinking…you know how desperate people get. Sometimes, they’ll do anything to get attention. Get noticed. Well, although I didn’t know her, her Mom asked me to go and see her. See if a new face and friend would help her. That’s when I met those guys, they took care of Josie. After she was checked out, I offered her a place to stay and a job until she could get back on her feet. Little did I know then, that years later, I’d still have her living with me and working for me.”

  Wow. I didn’t expect her to have a history like that, not in a million years. “So, you’re saying that you think Josie has something to do with this, again?”

  “Cat?” Ryan interrupts. “Can you think of anyone else who would do something like this? I mean I know it’s a pretty done deal with her knowing them, but is there anyone you’ve pissed off?”

  “No. Not so much that they’d do this, at least. Have you guys thought of anyone else?”

  “Well,” Nod interjects. “I have thrown my accusation at Mommy dearest, but Mommy’s boy over there won’t hear anything of it. I’m also sorry that I kind of used the ball as an example, but he doesn’t believe me.”

  “That’s enough,” Kyle snaps playfully, dragging a cushion from behind my back and throwing it at Nod. “Can we deal with the attack and not the crap you’ve made up.”

  I roll my eyes and look at Nod shaking my head. Somethings will never change. “So, Josie.”

  “We think it’s our best guess.” Ryan tells me. “Which leads us to the next problem,” he smirks. “The fact that Kyle lives with someone who drugs him and gets his girlfriend beaten up.”

  “Why did you have to say it like that? It’s not funny.” Kyle snaps again, less playfully.

  “I know it isn’t, but you don’t half know how to pick them. And you’re the one who has to get the crazed mare out. Make sure you hide the knives when you do, though.”

  Nod huffs in disapproval, snapping her fingers. “Boys, care to stop being fucktards and actually continue with this? Because, the last time I checked, we were actually going to talk about living arrangements.”

  Abandoned puppy, again. “I take it my apartment isn’t livable yet?” I ask, even though it’s the last place I want to be.

  “No,” Nod replies. “The police have been in and poked around, but that’s all we know. Anyway, like I said, you can stay here as long as you want. We threw some ideas about like a hotel or another apartment, but we don’t think you’re ready for being on your own again, yet.”

  It’s nice to know they know what’s going on inside my head. “Okay, so you’re happy for me to stay here?”

  “Sure I am,” she says, like it’s the stupidest thing I have ever said. “I wouldn’t kick you out and I sure as hell ain’t going anywhere.” Leaning forward, she wraps her arms around be and hugs me tightly, but I have enough space to turn and look at Ryan raising a brow. Still hasn’t told her. He rolls his eyes and smirks at me, slapping his hands against his knees and getting up.

  Kyle shifts behind me and places his hand against my shoulder. Turning, I pat it and smile. “Are you okay with that?”

  “Not really,” he mumbles. “I wanted you to stay with me.” Slipping his hand from beneath mine as my jaw hits the floor.

  “Kyle, you live with the woman you decided last night got me beat up. Not only that, she drugged you. Why the hell would I live with you?”

  “Because,” he starts, getting up and taking Ryan’s seat on the coffee table. “She’s not there anymore. That’s what I was sorting out this morning.”

  Ryan walks back in and hands out drinks as I stare open mouthed at Kyle. “How? She can’t have just packed and skipped out.”

  Kyle winces and pulls back from us as he informs us, “She doesn’t know yet. But she will, soon.”

  I look at Nod briefly, just to make sure it’s not just me who’s not getting this. “Can you elaborate, because I’m struggling here to figure out how someone can, not live there in less than twenty four hours of deciding she’s the one, and not know. What did you actually get up to this morning
?” I narrow my eyes at him, dreading what he’ll come up with.

  “I knew you wouldn’t move in if she was there, which I get completely and if I’m honest, I didn’t want to have to tell her. So, this morning I told her I’d gotten her a spa day because I felt bad about her not taking the trip we’d planned to visit one of the hotels.”

  My stomach drops as I register the thought of those two away together. I’m sure she’d love the idea of having him to herself without anyone interfering.

  “Then, I contacted some guys to pack her up and move it all in to storage, along with booking her a hotel for a week. She’ll find out later, but I just wanted her out. Even if I wasn’t planning on moving you in I’d have done the same. I want her gone.”

  My eyes widen as that sinks in too. “And you did all of that this morning?”

  “Jesus, Kyle. You were only out there a few hours,” Ryan adds, taking a seat beside Nod.

  “I know, but I just had to do it. So, if you want to come and stay with me you can. I know you’re just as safe here, but I want to be with you all the time. Ryan told me you woke up screaming.”

  For God’s sake. Leaning forward I glance around Nod and give Ryan the evil eye, which he just shakes his head at. “That’s right, but you don’t have to put yourself out for me. I could stay here for a while longer, just until I know what I want to do.”

  “Cat, please. I don’t want to force it on you but I really need you there,” he says, leaning forward and grabbing my hands, cupping them within his. “I’m tired of giving people the chance to get between us and I’d be happier knowing you’re there and I can keep you safe.”

  “What happened to ‘if I want,’” I ask.

  Kyle shrugs and juts out his lip. “I thought I’d give you the option, hoping you’d say yes. Now you haven’t, and I’m laying it on thicker.”

  “When will you tell her?”

  “When she’s back later. I could come and pick you up after, if you don’t change your mind.”

  Taking a deep breath I think about what I want. I want him and I want normal. Nothing that has happened has been typical and if this is a step in the right direction, I’ll put everything behind me over this and do it. It won’t be easy, but it’s a start. “Fine. But I want to be there when you tell her. I want her to see that she hasn’t gotten what she wanted, or give her the opportunity to wriggle her way back in. For once, I want her to show that we’re united over this.”

  “Seriously?” he asks, breaking out into a humongous smile.

  “Seriously. I can see with my own two eyes then if it was her or if we’ve pinpointed the wrong person. I just can’t believe she’d do this to have you. Has she done this before?” I ask.

  He shakes his head and releases my hands, rubbing his palms down the front of his jeans. “No. But, then again, I haven’t been madly in love with anyone else. They weren’t a threat.”

  The sound of Nod’s high pitched “Awwww” has my cheeks flaming over the fact he said that in front of them. Here’s to the start of forever, or at least a couple of days for me to sort through our conversation, along with dealing with the demons that will haunt me for a while.

  It seemed like a great idea when the words came out of my mouth, when I decided I wanted to be here when he told her. But, now that I’m here, I want to retreat to safety, feeling like I’m adding fuel to the fire when it comes to Josie. For all I know she could have those guys on speed dial, waiting for me to be alone and to carry out their threat.

  Kyle has poked around the apartment and not seen any sign of Josie.

  This place feels even emptier than before, like the memories are laid quiet, ready to pounce on me when my mind has nothing else on it. I haven’t even thought about going in his room, not after last time. The room will just hold the image of him and Josie together, even if it was a set up.

  He left me to my own devices while he went to grab some things and I can’t move. This place feels alien to me right now. Kyle walks down the hall from his room and cocks a brow. “Are you okay? You haven’t moved since I left you alone fifteen minutes ago.”

  “I know, it’s just weird, I don’t feel like I should be making myself at home.”

  He throws something on the glass table attached to the kitchen island before striding over to me. He’s changed and now wearing sweatpants and a tight white shirt. He makes my mouth water when he’s dressed so simply. “But it is your home. I want you to be comfortable,” he states, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead and resting his hands on my hips, making my heart flutter.

  “That’s easy for you to say, but it’s not going to be my home forever. I don’t want to get too attached to this place.”

  He leans back and inspects my expression, sucking in his bottom lip and letting it flirt back out. “Are you planning on leaving?” he asks.

  “Well, yes. This is just temporary, isn’t it? Just until we’re on top of things.”

  “That wasn’t my plan. When I asked you to move in with me, I didn’t mean until all of this blew over. I meant forever.”

  Forever is a long time, especially if forever is like these last few weeks. I could be dead or rocking in a corner before this week is out. “K.C., you can’t ask that of me when I don’t even know where I stand with you. It’s not like we’re together and to be honest, I can’t see that ever happening because people seem to be getting in the way of us even figuring out the basics to another relationship.”

  “We’re not? I thought we were.” He smirks, the edge of his mouth smirking at me, but shaking showing the nerves from this conversation.

  “When?” I laugh. “When did you ask me to be your girlfriend?”

  He winces a little before sliding his hands from my hips to my backside, pulling me closer to him. “C.J., I think it’s safe to say I don’t expect to ask you to be my girlfriend, especially when it makes me feel like I’m a teenager again. If you’re in my life, you’re just mine. No one else is going to compare to you and no one else makes me feel complete like you. It’s just the way it is. You’re mine and we’re together. We don’t need a title, not yet, anyway,” he winks at me.

  Shit! Yes, I have always thought about being with him until the day I die, but why does he have to say things that make me think that that said title is his wife. It’s not like I’d say no, but I don’t know how these next few days are going to pan out and to be honest, I’d rather him not think about marriage just in case this all blows up in my face and he hates me for eternity.

  Obviously, he could be thinking of another title, but I’ll be damned if I can think what it would be. “You’re so romantic.” I laugh uneasily, trying to not show my unease. “Do you know when I can get my things?”

  “We’ll get them in a few days. I don’t want you going there too soon making you feel worse.”

  “Okay. Where am I sleeping then?”

  He smiles and kisses my nose before pulling away from me and grabbing my hand. “That is something I want to show you.”

  I follow behind him clutching his hand, with each step feeling more and more queasy as we walk towards his room. Once we’re at the door, he stops and drags me in front of him. “I’ll let you go and pick your spot.”

  My eyebrows hurt from scowling so hard at him. “You think I’m sleeping in there? In the same spot that I found Josie in? I don’t think so.”

  He rolls his eyes and shakes his head, pushing the door open and me through it without answering my argument.

  I try and fight against him but he insistent when it comes to me seeing his room. It smells strongly of paint and new furniture; that new wood smell you get when you have something delivered. Gazing around the room, I can see that the whole place has had an overhaul. Completely white and accented with navy blue bedding and curtains. My canvas is still above the new bed though, still looking like it’s pride of place.

  “Surely you didn’t do all of this this morning?” I question walking around the room and running my fingertips over the new
wood dresser.

  He comes up behind me and grabs a lighter, lighting a few candles that sit on top. “That’s true. After you told me what you did about Josie being in here, I decided to do it over. I couldn’t sleep in here knowing that.”

  I smile weakly, even though he can’t see me before ducking out of his way and taking a seat on the bed. “Do you know when she’ll be back? It feels like there’s an elephant in the room waiting for her to find out. How do you think she’ll take it?” I ask, playing with the few beads randomly sewn on the comforter.

  “Not long. She texted me while I was getting those bits to say she was on her way. Are you sure you want to be here?”

  I want to say no and make him take me back to Nod’s, but I need to face her with him. She needs to see she hasn’t won. “No. I’m okay. We’re in this together.” I smile weakly again before getting up, shaking away all my problems. “Do you want a coffee?” I ask as a way to change the subject.

  “You’re a cute little house wife already.” He jokes, sneaking a kiss to my cheek. “I’d love one, thank—” He stops mid-sentence and strains his neck towards the bedroom door. “That sounds like she’s back. Are you staying in here, or are you coming?”

  “Here,” I snap quickly. “I’ll come down when I’m ready, if I’m ready.”

  “Okay. I’ll make it as quick as possible. I love you,” he adds as he leaves the room, the noise coming from the elevator sounding like it’s right next to me. After this, my life is going to be hell. Not only will this carve the path to me telling Kyle, it’ll also have me turning into a wreck whenever I leave the apartment. I look around trying to find something to keep myself occupied with, but there is nothing here that is mine. I have nothing to do. Except, sit, listen and wait. And that doesn’t sound like it’s fun at all.

  The elevator pings and I hear Josie’s heels click against the floor, walking in the opposite direction. When they stop, I brace myself for her reaction, and I had every right to. She screams at the top of her lungs, “Kyle, where the fuck is my stuff?” before her heels start growing louder. “Kyle? Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?”